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“I live in the beautiful Champlain Valley of northern Vermont, an area blessed with access to beautiful mountains, streams and backwater ponds. These areas provide much inspiration for my nature pieces. Canoeing these backwaters bring me into intimate contact with dragonflies, lily pads, cattails, autumn leaves etc. I enjoy recreating these scenes in sculpture. I utilize copper extensively in my work. I do not attempt to doggedly reproduce what I see but rather use my observations for inspiration. Other pieces are inspired by everyday Vermont scenes and others... simply from wanderings of my imagination.” - John Arthur
“I live in the beautiful Champlain Valley of northern Vermont, an area blessed with access to beautiful mountains, streams and backwater ponds. These areas provide much inspiration for my nature pieces. Canoeing these backwaters bring me into intimate contact with dragonflies, lily pads, cattails, autumn leaves etc. I enjoy recreating these scenes in sculpture. I utilize copper extensively in my work. I do not attempt to doggedly reproduce what I see but rather use my observations for inspiration. Other pieces are inspired by everyday Vermont scenes and others... simply from wanderings of my imagination.” - John Arthur